I was blessed 7 years ago to gain another mom, my wonderful mother-in-law, Peggy! She is amazing! I have learned so much from her in the past 7 years! Mostly about cooking! The woman knows everything there is to know about food and how to make it pretty and taste just right! You should know that without her my kitchen would be empty! She has gotten me every kitchen gadget known to man, and every time she comes to my house she discovers one more thing I need! Lol, but in all seriousness, she is one of the most loving, and supportive people I know! We owe a lot to her! I admire her so much and love all that she has done for me and my family!
There are also some other ladies who have helped to play the role of "mom" in my life, and I just want to mention them as well, because the sang. "it takes a village to raise a child", or however it goes, is very true! There have been some other amazing women step in and adopt me so to speak as I was growing up! I'm not sure if it was by choice or not, but they did it anyway. First of all, Carol Hadlock, I started hanging out at her house when i was in 3rd grade, (a long time ago) and she always had an open door, and an extra seat at the dinner table! I'm sure she doesn't realize the impact she had on my life, but I always looked up to her and still look back at the mother she was when I was growing up! Also, Tammy Dyreng, Kind of the same situation, I think I lived at their houses quite a bit, but they both have always been so supportive and loving to me, and I appreciate their examples in my life! One more person to thank for being the other "Mom" in my life is my aunt Merri Lynn! She for sure has been there since I was born, and has always looked out for mine, and my brothers well being. She has always been someone I can turn to if I ever needed anything! So thank you aunt Merri Lynn!
As you can see, I have been VERY blessed to have so many special people in my life! I love and appreciate every single one of you! Especially both of my moms!! I love you!
Also happy mothers day to my awesome sisters, and sister-in-laws! I love you all SO much!